Put Our Knowledge And Experience To Work For You

Experienced Defense Attorneys For Severe Sexual Assault Charges

Sexual assault is one of the most serious of all criminal charges. Convicts almost always end up on the sex offender registry, which permanently damages one’s ability to earn a living and have a normal life. Having a strong criminal defense law firm on your side is crucial if you want the best chance of avoiding a conviction.

At [nap_names id=”FIRM-NAME-1″], we bring more than 25 collective years of legal experience to defending clients in Delaware County and elsewhere in Pennsylvania. When your freedom and your future are in jeopardy, we will go to any lengths to defend them.

We handle sexual assault charges involving a range of complicating factors, including:

Before founding the firm, our attorneys served as prosecutors and public defenders. In this time, we learned how the state approaches sex crimes. We know what each judge or district attorney is looking for when it comes to prosecuting the accused and sentencing on those crimes if convicted.

What Are Possible Defenses To Sexual Assault Charges?

You might feel as if the world has already declared you guilty. Do not give up hope. There are several strategies that we consider when building your sex abuse defense, including:

  • Inaccurate forensic techniques
  • Lack of evidence
  • Consensual sexual intercourse
  • Inaccuracies in the accuser’s allegations
  • Failure of law enforcement officers to inform you of your rights

In many cases, we have successfully won acquittals or gotten our clients’ charges dismissed.

The Burden Of Sex Offender Status

Those convicted of sex crimes almost always end up on the sex offender registry as required under the federal Sexual Offender Registration and Notification Act (SORNA, formerly and better known as “Megan’s Law”). SORNA can impose stringent reporting and registration requirements that can permanently damage one’s ability to earn a living and lead a normal life. We make every effort to avoid a conviction and the sex offender restrictions.

Hire A Team That Can Make A Difference

The representation you hire can make the difference between freedom or prison time. Hire the right team; hire [nap_names id=”FIRM-NAME-1″] To discuss your case with one of our defense lawyers in a free 30-minute consultation, please call our Media office at [nap_phone id=”LOCAL-CT-NUMBER-1″]. You can also send us an email.