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Family Law Attorneys Media, Pennsylvania

Welcome to Bauer Scanlon & Wigginton, your trusted partners in family law in Media, PA, serving Delaware County with dedication, compassion, and expertise. Our practice is centered around providing personalized and effective legal solutions for families facing challenging times. We understand that family law issues can be emotionally taxing and complex, which is why we are committed to guiding you through every step of the legal process with the utmost care and professionalism.

At Bauer Scanlon & Wigginton, our experienced attorneys have a deep understanding of Pennsylvania family law. We are passionate about helping our clients navigate the legal landscape and achieve the best possible outcomes for their families. Our team is composed of skilled negotiators and litigators who are ready to advocate for your rights and interests, whether in court

Our Approach

We believe that every family is unique, and so are their legal needs. Our approach is tailored to each individual case, ensuring that we provide the most appropriate and effective legal strategies. We prioritize open communication, taking the time to listen to your concerns and answer your questions. Our goal is to make the legal process as smooth and stress-free as possible, allowing you to focus on what matters most – your family.

Family law encompasses a wide range of legal issues. At Bauer Scanlon & Wigginton, we offer comprehensive services in the following areas:

Divorce: Guiding you through the complexities of divorce, from filing to final decree

At Bauer Scanlon & Wigginton, we understand that divorce is one of the most challenging experiences you can face. Our dedicated team is here to guide you through every step of the process, from filing the initial paperwork to finalizing the divorce decree. We provide comprehensive support and expert advice to help you navigate the legal complexities and emotional difficulties that come with divorce. Our goal is to ensure a fair and equitable resolution that allows you to move forward with confidence and peace of mind.

Child Custody: Helping you establish custody arrangements that are in the best interest of your children

Child custody disputes can be emotionally charged and complex. Our family law attorneys prioritize the best interests of your children while advocating for your parental rights. Our experienced divorce attorneys work diligently to help you establish custody arrangements that provide stability and security for your children. Whether through negotiation or litigation, we strive to create a parenting plan that supports your family’s unique needs and promotes a positive co-parenting relationship.

Child Support: Assisting with the calculation, modification, and enforcement of child support payments

Ensuring the financial well-being of your children is crucial during and after a divorce. Our team at Bauer Scanlon & Wigginton assists with the calculation, modification, and enforcement of child support payments. We understand the nuances of Pennsylvania’s child support guidelines and work to ensure that support amounts are fair and adequate. Whether you are seeking to establish initial support or modify existing orders, we are here to help you navigate the process effectively.

Spousal Support/Alimony: Advocating for fair spousal support agreements based on your unique circumstances

Spousal support, or alimony, is an important consideration in many divorces. We advocate for fair spousal support agreements that reflect your unique circumstances and financial needs. Our attorneys are experienced in negotiating and litigating spousal support arrangements, ensuring that our clients receive the support they are entitled to or fulfill their obligations in a fair manner. We take a personalized approach to each case, considering factors such as length of marriage, income disparity, and future earning potential.

Property Division: Ensuring equitable distribution of marital assets and debts

Dividing marital assets and debts can be a contentious aspect of divorce. We are committed to ensuring an equitable distribution that respects your contributions and secures your financial future. Our team meticulously evaluates all assets and liabilities, including real estate, investments, retirement accounts, and personal property. We strive to reach fair settlements through negotiation, but we are also prepared to advocate for your interests in court if necessary.


Adoption is a joyous and life-changing event that can also involve complex legal processes. Bauer Scanlon & Wigginton is here to assist you with every step of the adoption process. Whether you are adopting a stepchild, relative, or seeking to expand your family through other means, our experienced attorneys provide compassionate and knowledgeable guidance. We help navigate the legal requirements, ensuring a smooth and successful adoption journey.

Prenuptial Agreements: Drafting and reviewing agreements to protect your assets and interests before marriage

Prenuptial agreements can provide peace of mind and protect your assets before entering into marriage. The family law attorneys at Bauer Scanlon & Wigginton draft and review prenuptial agreements tailored to your specific needs and circumstances. Our experienced attorneys ensure that your agreement is comprehensive, legally sound, and designed to minimize potential conflicts in the future. We work closely with you to understand your concerns and objectives, providing clear guidance throughout the process.

Postnuptial Agreements: Creating agreements for financial arrangements after marriage

Postnuptial agreements serve to outline financial arrangements and asset division after marriage. Bauer Scanlon & Wigginton offers expert assistance in creating postnuptial agreements that safeguard your interests. Whether addressing changes in financial circumstances or setting terms for future contingencies, our attorneys ensure that your postnuptial agreement is fair and enforceable. We provide thorough and thoughtful legal counsel to help you achieve your goals and protect your assets.

Domestic Violence: Providing protection and legal remedies for victims of domestic abuse

Domestic violence is a grave issue that requires immediate and effective legal intervention. Our attorneys are dedicated to providing protection and legal remedies for victims of domestic abuse. Our compassionate attorneys work swiftly to secure protective orders, ensuring your safety and that of your loved ones. We offer comprehensive legal support to help you navigate the legal system, obtain necessary protections, and pursue justice.

Protection from Abuse Orders (PFA): Securing legal orders to protect you and your family from harm

Protection from Abuse Orders (PFA) are crucial for safeguarding individuals and families from harm. Bauer Scanlon & Wigginton is committed to securing these legal orders for those in need. We guide you through the process of obtaining a PFA, offering support and advocacy every step of the way. Our team works diligently to present compelling cases to the court, ensuring that you receive the protection you need to feel safe and secure.

Paternity: Establishing legal paternity for fathers seeking parental rights and responsibilities

Establishing legal paternity is essential for fathers seeking parental rights and responsibilities. At Bauer Scanlon & Wigginton, we assist with the paternity process to ensure that fathers can secure their legal rights and establish a meaningful relationship with their children. Our attorneys provide comprehensive support, from genetic testing to court proceedings, ensuring that your rights as a parent are recognized and upheld.

Grandparents’ Rights: Advocating for the visitation and custody rights of grandparents

Grandparents play a vital role in the lives of their grandchildren, and in some cases, legal intervention may be necessary to preserve these relationships. Bauer Scanlon & Wigginton advocates for the visitation and custody rights of grandparents, ensuring that your bond with your grandchildren is protected. Our attorneys are experienced in handling cases involving grandparents’ rights, providing dedicated support and representation to achieve the best possible outcome.

Relocation: Managing legal issues related to relocating with children post-divorce

Relocating with children after a divorce can present significant legal challenges. At Bauer Scanlon & Wigginton, we manage the legal issues related to relocation, ensuring that your move complies with Pennsylvania law and protects your parental rights. Our team assists with obtaining necessary court approvals and negotiating relocation agreements, always prioritizing the best interests of your children and your family’s unique circumstances.

Mediation: Offering mediation services to resolve disputes amicably without going to court

Mediation is an effective alternative to court litigation for resolving family law disputes. Bauer Scanlon & Wigginton offers mediation services to help parties reach amicable agreements in a confidential and collaborative setting. Our trained mediators facilitate open communication and negotiation, aiming to resolve issues such as divorce, custody, and support without the stress and expense of court proceedings. Mediation empowers you to make decisions that best suit your family’s needs.

Modification of Orders: Assisting with modifications of existing custody, support, and alimony orders

Life changes, and sometimes existing court orders need to be modified to reflect new circumstances. Bauer Scanlon & Wigginton assists with modifications of custody, support, and alimony orders. Whether you have experienced a change in income, relocation, or other significant life events, our attorneys work to modify your court orders to better suit your current situation. We provide expert guidance to ensure that modifications are fair and legally sound.

Enforcement of Orders: Ensuring compliance with court orders related to family law matters

Ensuring compliance with court orders is essential for maintaining stability and fairness. At Bauer Scanlon & Wigginton, we offer robust enforcement services for existing custody, support, and alimony orders. If your ex-spouse or co-parent is not adhering to court-ordered agreements, our attorneys take legal action to enforce compliance. We are dedicated to upholding your rights and ensuring that court orders are respected and followed.

Choosing the right family lawyer is crucial for achieving the best outcome for your case. We are experienced attorneys who provide a personalized approach to meet unique needs of each client, providing personalized and compassionate legal counsel. We have experience in handling complex family law cases, both in and out of the courtroom.

Contact Us

If you are facing a family law issue, Bauer Scanlon & Wigginton is here to help. Our compassionate and experienced attorneys are ready to provide the support and guidance you need. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and take the first step towards considering your options for a divorce or other family law matters.

Let Bauer Scanlon & Wigginton be your trusted advocates in family law. We are dedicated to helping you achieve the best possible outcome for your family. Call us to schedule a free 30 minute consultation at 610-590-5092.